Thursday, August 31, 2006

Windows Live Writer

I just downloaded the Beta version of Windows Live Writer. The software is designed to be used with Windows Live Spaces, but it works with blogs and I'm trying it with this Blogger blog. So far I like it very much.

There are several reviews of it available all over the web. Here's one and here's another.

Try Windows Live Writer for yourself.

President Bush assassinated in new TV movie

President George W. Bush is assassinated in a new TV movie that will be aired in Great Britain in October and at the Toronto Film Festival in September. British broadcaster Channel 4 portrays the Bush assassination during an anti-war rally in Chicago in October 2007. Apparently the investigation focuses on a Syrian-born man as the assassin.

No word from the White House on this bit of (I hope) fiction.

I can't imagine the public outcry if Jesse Jackson or Hillary Clinton were selected for elimination instead of President Bush.

The full story is here.