The Chicago area missed out on the Lunar Eclipse since we were busy getting a few inches of snow. I've enjoyed looking at the photos from observers who were able to see -- and photograph -- the eclipse. Here is one I found on Flickr.
This blog deals with the day-to-day life, interests and rants of a married suburban Chicago baby-boomer, i.e. one of my general height, weight and build.
The Chicago area missed out on the Lunar Eclipse since we were busy getting a few inches of snow. I've enjoyed looking at the photos from observers who were able to see -- and photograph -- the eclipse. Here is one I found on Flickr.
What a great movie and what a great ending! Great appearance of an accordion by Bert the cop (Ward Bond) at the end too!
The Chicago area is under a winter storm warning for tonight and tomorrow. It was relatively warm today (mid-30s) and some of our snow on the ground was melting. However, rain began this afternoon and temperatures are dropping. The rain is just now beginning to change to snow and the area is suppose to receive between 2 and 7 inches of snow.
That's not the worst of it.
On Sunday the temps will drop even more and the wind will be howling. I heard the wind speed will be close to 50 miles per hour. The Bears play the Patriots at Soldier Field and so that game will be fun to watch. As the week begins, the high temperature will be in single digits.
Only five more months to May!
We have had an interesting weather morning. High winds were forecasted to begin overnight and, sure enough, winds were howling when I got up this morning. Then, around 7:10 a.m., I saw a Twitter post announcing a tornado warning for Elburn, Illinois which is about 8-10 miles southwest of my home. Almost immediately, Kevin and I heard tornado sirens going off. We woke my mom up and Kevin went turned on the basement lights. Then the sirens blasted the "all clear" signal so we did not go out. I took my cell phone onto the deck and recorded the clouds as they went by overhead. You can really hear the wind gusts! The news is hyping this as the worst storm in 70 years. Already there have been wind gusts of up to 70 mph recorded in Tazewell County, south of us. This is suppose to go on through Wednesday.
I posted an earlier video showing a large tree blocking the road east of Plato Center, Illinois which is a small town a couple miles west of my home.
Can't wait to see how the rest of the day goes!!!
We are having a significant storm this morning and high winds are expected to continue Tuesday through Wednesday. There was already a tornado warning in Elburn. This tree was knocked down east of Plato Center blocking Russell Road. I came upon after dropping Kevin off at school.
I have to admit to taking some perverse enjoyment when the first garbage day after a major holiday comes around. The Fourth of July this year was officially observed on Monday, July 5th. In Elgin, as in most communities, city offices were closed and city services curtailed. That means that anyone whose garbage is normally picked up on Monday had their garbage picked up on Tuesday and everyone else was backed up a day.
Our normal garbage day is Thursday and -- "Ta-Da" -- most of my neighbors forgot and had their garbage outside ready to be picked up this morning! Guess I'll wait until tomorrow!
This is why I use Twitter for late-breaking news. Someone with the Twitter name "Paul_Mar" just posted the following: "Late breaking news! Sources claim [LeBron James] may go to the Cavs or the Knicks or the Bulls or the Heat!"
You can't get that kind of insight anywhere else! If you're on Twitter too, you can follow me at: http://www.twitter.com/sscornelius.
It was nice to finally get some rain yesterday afternoon and even overnight. I'm not sure how much rain we received, but it was certainly welcome.
It's in the mid-70s now and it's forecast to be in the low-80s by afternoon. I hope my lawn greens up again.
Here's some video from the 1984 season showing Walter Payton running what we now refer to as the "Wildcat" formation. RB Payton lines up at the QB position and either runs out of the formation or drops back to pass. The drive, while promising, ends with an interception.
As I write this, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen more than 200 points on news that consumer confidence "unexpectedly" plunged. Confidence was expected to be lower, but "they" did not think it would be this low. Also, the past few weeks have seen spikes in weekly jobless claims even though "they" thought it would be lower.
Just who are "they"?
"They" must be a group of influential economists or market makers who gather together in some bunker and make predictions about the monthly economic reports. It seems like "they" are way, way overconfident. I wonder if "they" do this to make money on the market when it goes lower. That's the only reason I can see for "they" to make such silly predictions. Anyone who is out there looking for a job or trying to qualify for a loan or just keeping their heads above water will realize our economy is in serious trouble. Instead of building false expectations, "they" should spend time with real people to better understand what is going on and to come up with a solution to this mess!
I have used Blogger since 2004. Hard to believe it has been that long! I chose the Blogger platform initially because of its ease-of-us and the fact that it supported custom themes. In fact, it was the themes that first drew me to Blogger.
Since then, theme support has been non-existent and other blogging platforms (most notably WordPress) have added to the variety of themes offered.
Today, I logged into Blogger and discovered and wide variety of new themes that were offered. I was hesitant at first to change my theme, but I changed it to this theme and the change was very, very easy. As easy, in fact, as Posterous is to change their themes.
I like the change and think it has reinvigorated my blog!
Amazing photo taken by Cassini of Saturn's moon Rhea. The smaller moon below it is Epimetheus. It appears smaller because the distance between each other is the approximate distance between Earth and our moon. Cassini was about 750,000 miles from Rhea when the photo was taken -- and Epimetheus was 990,000 miles away from Cassini.
The Chicago Blackhawks begin conference semifinal playoff action Saturday night against the Vancouver Canucks. How far will the Blackhawks go this year?
This afternoon I finally took the plunge and bought an iPhone 3G S. We switched over from our T-Mobile family plan and joined my wife (and her iPhone) on a family plan at AT&T. I've been spending part of the day loading apps onto the phone and syncing it with iTunes. So far I've played with the Facebook, Tweetdeck and Yahoo! fantasy baseball apps. Looking forward to downloading more apps including one from Gibson that will let me tune my guitar. Still trying to decide between Foursquare and Gowalla.
Most college football teams held their annual spring game (scrimmages) the last two weeks. Nebraska held their game last Saturday and drew nearly 78,000 fans. The largest crowd to see a spring game was defending national champion Alabama with over 91,000.
I like to take sunflower photos, but mine are mainly of flowers we grow in the backyard. Here's a real nice picture I found on Flickr. It looks like it might be HDR, but none of the tags associated with the photo indicate that it is HDR.
I went grocery shopping today. Because of traffic, I parked near the opposite entrance to the store that I usually use and proceeded to shop in the opposite direction. At a minimum, I go to this store on a weekly basis so I know it inside and out.
Or so I thought!
By shopping "backwards," I managed to forget where most of the items on my list were located and it probably took me an extra 5 minutes or so to finish my shopping.
How about you? Have you ever shopped "backwards"?
Another beautiful, yet somber, photo from stuckincustoms.
I have been here twice. The first time was in the early '60s with my parents and then Lisa and I spent most of the day here in the late '90s. Very beautiful, awe-inspiring place!
Relax and listen to this beautiful soothing music! It's Samuel Barber's Agnus Dei sung by The Sixteen.
The 2010 Masters Tournament is over and the main storyline dealt with the appearance of Tiger Woods in the tournament. As we all know, Mr. Woods is involved in a sex scandal and has been allegedly undergoing treatment for sexual addiction. More recently, someone named Jesse James (not the famous outlaw) announced an addiction to sex after found that he had been cheating on his actress-wife Sandra Bullock. The first I ever heard of sexual addiction was when former professional baseball player Wade Boggs announced he was a sexual addict. The announcement was made after it was discovered that he had been often accompanied on road trips with a woman who was not his wife!
Apparently sexual addiction is the province of wealthy men, professional athletes and celebrities and is only evident after their philandering is made public. Medical researchers are yet to discover evidence of this "disease" in truck drivers, welders, market research analysts and other males of more modest income levels.
One of my favorite classical works. This is Rachmaninov's transcription (for solo piano) of Bach's Violin Parita as performed by the late Ruth Laredo.
Kevin is taking a short break to rejuvenate his creative juices. Look for new posts soon.
Posted via web from The Vast
With the recent news from Apple that iPhone OS 4.0 will be released this summer, I am giving very serious consideration to getting one. I have a 2+ year-old Motorola RAZR 2 from T-Mobile and it no longer is practical for what I want to do with my cell phone. I was hoping to get the Nexus One, but Google has made it difficult for existing T-Mobile customers to obtain one (I have a family plan). My wife bought an iPhone around Christmas and loves it. Now that Twitter has announced the purchase of iPhone app Tweetie, I'm more than ready to get an iPhone. My wife has experienced no problems with AT&T's coverage (we live in the Chicago area) so network performance is not a concern.
Is anyone experiencing problems with Firefox? I have the newest version (3.6), and have had nothing but problems with it. It's slow to boot up, slow to load and it's hung on me a couple of times. I have heard from others that there have been problems with it. Too bad. It was a great browser when first introduced, but Chrome has become my browser-of-choice...for the time being.
President Obama recently responded to Sarah Palin's criticism about his nuclear policy. “I really have no response,” he told ABC News. “Because last I checked, Sarah Palin’s not much of an expert on nuclear issues.”
A video has now surfaced (they always do!) in which Candidate Obama admitted in 2008 to not fully understanding America's nuclear policy.
I'm testing out a new Chrome extension. It's ScribeFire and it's a blogging platform previously available as a Firefox extension. The Alpha version is now available for Google Chrome. More information is available here and you can download and install the extension from here.
I don't understand why we continue to have problems with our "allies" in getting Iran to open up about their nuclear plans. Apparently Russia and China are insisting that we back off stronger measures in dealing with Iran. I thought that with our president bowing and apologizing to everyone, we would have more cooperation.
Great shot of a cemetery in Iceland from stuckincustoms.
This is amazing! The HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter caught another avalanche on Mars.
We watched this ad parody last night on SNL. Absolutely hilarious!!
Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich appeared on David Letterman's show and presented the "Top Ten Questions Rod Blagojevich Asked Himself Before Appearing on 'Celebrity Apprentice.'"
Part of an interesting interview that Glenn Beck had with former New York Congressman Eric Massa. The entire interview can be found on Fox News.
Barack Obama gets a surprise visit in the night from ex-Presidents Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton, Ford, Reagan and Carter to get a few pointers about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency.
An underwater volcano near Japan is erupting. NASA's Earth-Observing-1 spacecraft is keeping an eye on it.
Funny spoof of Google's Super Bowl commercial!
Kevin is learning the Prelude in C Major from Book I of J.S. Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier. This is a recording of the Prelude and Fugue by András Schiff.
From the NASA website:
Dunes of sand-sized materials have been trapped on the floors of many Martian craters. This is one example, from a crater in Noachis Terra, west of the giant Hellas impact basin. The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured this view on Dec. 28, 2009.
The dunes here are linear, thought to be due to shifting wind directions. In places, each dune is remarkably similar to adjacent dunes, including a reddish (or dust colored) band on northeast-facing slopes. Large angular boulders litter the floor between dunes.
Posted via web from The Vast
What a truly great guitarist! Enjoy this video of Kashmir.
Acoustic guitar solo by Randy Scruggs from the Will the Circle Be Unbroken, Vol. 2 album by The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.
Here's another Flickr favorite -- this time from Flickr user Laura Travels.
Although I lived in Arizona for a couple of years, I never did make it up to Sedona in the wintertime. Wish I had!