Amazing photograph!
This blog deals with the day-to-day life, interests and rants of a married suburban Chicago baby-boomer, i.e. one of my general height, weight and build.
I don't understand why we continue to have problems with our "allies" in getting Iran to open up about their nuclear plans. Apparently Russia and China are insisting that we back off stronger measures in dealing with Iran. I thought that with our president bowing and apologizing to everyone, we would have more cooperation.
Great shot of a cemetery in Iceland from stuckincustoms.
This is amazing! The HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter caught another avalanche on Mars.
We watched this ad parody last night on SNL. Absolutely hilarious!!
Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich appeared on David Letterman's show and presented the "Top Ten Questions Rod Blagojevich Asked Himself Before Appearing on 'Celebrity Apprentice.'"
Part of an interesting interview that Glenn Beck had with former New York Congressman Eric Massa. The entire interview can be found on Fox News.
Barack Obama gets a surprise visit in the night from ex-Presidents Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton, Ford, Reagan and Carter to get a few pointers about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency.