Sunday, October 4, 2009


Welcome to my comic! It’s called The Vast. Basically in this comic I have two people named Mark and Jerry. They mainly just do random stuff. Sometimes they will do some crazy, but dangerous adventures. I named it The Vast mainly because I just thought of it randomly. They will be posted daily with a long one on Sunday.

Now for some info about me. My name is Kevin Cornelius. I am 14 years old and live in Illinois. I have Asperger Syndrome and it has made me very smart -- mostly at math and science. I am creative and like to talk a lot. I can get shy in a crowd of people but am otherwise nice. The creation of this comic just came into my mind. When I read other comics in the newspapers, it made me want to make one of my own. Thus The Vast was born!

Posted via web from The Vast